主動基金 VS 被動基金? 跟主播學投資!

10 Sep 2020 除了為小朋友建立起對電腦使用、邏輯思維和解决問題的技能以外,父母也要知道如何努力賺錢、储蓄及理財!有了更好的財務資源便可以提供小孩子更好的學習及發展機會👍所以好奇心是不限小孩,大人都要终生學習呀💪 主動基金 VS 被動基金? 跟主播學投資! 謝謝投委會及范巧茹之邀請,代表香港投资基金公會参加這個很有創意的投資者教育視頻!

My Robot…past, present, and future

Bought this retro My Robot coin bank in our Christmas shopping😃 In just a few decades, who would have ever imagined how much technology has changed the kids’ toy and our world! Teach the kids to appreciate the Robot in the past, to learn about the Robot today so they can create the Robot for the… Read More